Надун Мацхинери Мануфацтуре Цо., Лтд.

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So, when we want to do something with metal, we need to carve or punch it according to a particular design; for that, we have to either bend or shape the metal piece. That’s where a 60 тона хидраулична преса comes in handy! The Nadun shear press brake is a big robust machine that allows us to bend and shape metal very precisely, helping us achieve our desired form easily. For many works this machine is vital to work with metal safely and effectively.

Operating a Shear Press Brake for Precise Bending

Initially, working with a Nadun Преса од 60 тона can seem slightly difficult or complex but becomes much easier with practice. So to start off, we need to pick the right tools and materials we will be working with. But once prepared, the first step is to shear the metal to the correct size and shape to fit the raw material to your project. After cutting, the metal goes to the press brake to be bent into the shape that we’re looking for. Using the shear press brake is never fast; patience is key. Rushing things can lead to mistakes, and we want everything to come out just right.

Why choose Nadun shear press brake?

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