Надун Мацхинери Мануфацтуре Цо., Лтд.

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hydraulic straightening press

Straightening of components is difficult & complicated particularly those with multiple geometry or shape profiles. There are times this job requires special tools to accomplish it. That’s where a 60 тона хидраулична преса to the rescue! Nadun manufactures robust and dependable hydraulic presses prepared for direct press with qualitative orientation of metallurgical components.

Advanced Technology for Efficient Metal Forming

Nadun builds 100 тона хидраулична пресаes, doing beautiful work with serious tech to reshape the way metal forms. These hydraulic presses function by forcing liquid on metal components. It provides a perfected adjustment to make sure that the metal can be straightened or shaped effectively with greater control. This technology allows workers to ensure the metal parts are shaped correctly, which is far too important in most industries.

Why choose Nadun hydraulic straightening press?

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