Надун Мацхинери Мануфацтуре Цо., Лтд.

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Workers used to bend metal by hand and handcrafted it. It was very time-consuming, and required skilled laborers who had been trained to do the job proficiently. Now, with our new technology, Nadun can make a number of parts at the same time. Also, since the bends we make are always the same in size and shape, it all looked very neat and uniform.

This new technique gives us the ability to bend metal in a manner that allows us to tackle larger projects / run them through the shop in less time than ever. We also can save on workers because the machines do most of the heavy lifting. That allows us to, you know, hopefully accomplish more and deliver the things on time.

The Benefits of Automatic Bending

Automatic bend is not only about cost and time saving, however. This provides with the capability to create higher quality components which are an essential part of numerous tasks. With high quality, products keep functioning and that is very important in industries when just one tiny error can cause a product not to work properly and even break down.

The biggest benefit of automatic bending is that it minimizes operators’ errors. Manual bending made it simpler to make mistakes. The metal needs to be bent in specific ways. Bending machine, though, so there’s a far smaller chance of getting the bends incorrect. That means we can count on the products to come out the exact way we need them to.

Why choose Nadun automatic bending?

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