Надун Мацхинери Мануфацтуре Цо., Лтд.

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400 тона хидраулична преса

Do you know what a hydraulic press is? And it is a very powerful machine that squeezes and deforms various materials to create them into new shapes. The 60 тона хидраулична преса is one of the most powerful kinds of hydraulic press. Nadun is so cheerful to present this amazing machine that could do almost everything!

The 400 ton hydraulic press

100 тона хидраулична преса is really a powerful machine that can do amazing work. It can cut and form various types of material into various shapes and sizes. This H-frame press is really big and about 3500kg which is the weight of a car! This machine also features a very large working table of 1200 x 1500 mm, providing enough area to work with sizeable parts of materials. This press can shape materials that can weigh 1000 kg, CAMP MATHERS≠believe me! To consider all the various projects that people can assemble with the aid of the 400 ton hydraulic press is rather mind-boggling.

Зашто одабрати хидрауличну пресу Надун од 400 тона?

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