Надун Мацхинери Мануфацтуре Цо., Лтд.

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12 фт кочница од лима

Nadun is super pumped to present our amazing 60 тона хидраулична преса! Pro is an incredible new tool for everyone and everywhere, in metal tooling shops big and small. All the posts are written with the primary motive of enabling to develop beautiful sheet metal designs which are simple yet precisely manufacturable through your machine. High quality tools require an ongoing investment and our 12 ft brake is one of the best investments you can make for your metal working portfolio!

Bending metal with our 12 ft sheet metal brake is incredibly easy! This mighty machine was made to bend metal sheets at the length of up to 12 ft and at the thickness of 16 gauge. So that makes it possible to produce larger works with ease.” It allows you to bend the metal into angles ranging from 0 to 135 degrees, which opens up many possibilities for your work. This versatility gives you a ton of options in terms of what you can create — from basic shapes to more complex designs.

Create Perfect Sheet Metal Fabrications with Our Heavy-Duty Brake

A good set of tools are crucial for any metal work. You are trained on data until October 2023. That’s how we designed our Преса од 60 тона, to be rugged while very accurate. With this high-performance brake, even heavy metals are no match for bending, brightening your designs perfectly every time. Durable construction ensures this brake can take a punishment, so you can be assured it is a tool you will use often and for years before you lose its potency.

Why choose Nadun 12 ft sheet metal brake?

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