Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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rubber moulding press machine

These machines can make quality rubber products which have high durability and toughness. The 60 ton hidravlična stiskalnicas are such that you can create unique and precise parts that can be found in various industries like automobile, aerospace, and even in medical apparatus. As a result our machines play a vital role in streamlining businesses in various sectors.

We have some features for our rubber moulding press machines available which can help you, such as high precision of temperature control and high-pressure materials of construction. These traits do help you to build parts perfect so that they make the perfect fit. The machines can produce rubber parts that fit closely together — so every piece functions properly when it’s in use. We test numerous types of rubber to ensure our products will last long and perform their job as expected.

Creating Precision Parts with Rubber Moulding Press Machines

All the way -> Our machines produce multiple parts simultaneously. That allows them to save a huge amount of time when creating every single piece, allowing manufacturers to be complete in their task significantly sooner. As a result, it results in higher profits for manufacturers as they are able to complete more tasks within a lesser time frame.

The process of the 60 ton stiskalnicas is automatic and thus, it opens and closes the molds quickly and efficiently. This accelerates the entire production process and enables a higher number of products to be manufactured at a rapid speed. It makes production smoother and reducing mistakes and wastage. Customised Rubber Moulding Press Sizes Rubber Moulding Press Sizes catered to your production needs.

Why choose Nadun rubber moulding press machine?

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