Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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Priti v stik

motorna hidravlična stiskalnica

We produce these special presses that are electric at Nadun. That means that you aren’t required to be super strong or apply a ton of your own energy to get them to work. Instead, you just have to push a few buttons on a control panel to get the machine itself to run and to generate lots of power. It is like having a helper that does all the hard work for you!

The oil or water drives the piston (which is essentially a large metallic syringe) inside a cylinder up and down on our 60 ton hidravlična stiskalnicaes. This up-and-down motion is what generates the powerful force that pushes or squeezes whatever you place between the piston and the top of the cylinder. And, when you want to smash or mold something, this will do it for you.

Experience unparalleled efficiency with our automated hydraulic pressing solutions.

They include specialized control panels that can be programmed. That means you can configure them to act the way you want them to without having to always keep adjusting settings. You only need to set it up once. It will be doing the work for you. This helps our presses run more efficiently, so you can create things in less time and with fewer mistakes.

Our Presses are made robust and tough. This also means you can use them for tough jobs without putting your mind to when they might stop working. The press being running with out stopping is very important because if a machine stops working than it creates the delay so the press is working reliable press and need to make sure it never going to stop.

Why choose Nadun motorised hydraulic press?

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Priti v stik

IT PODPORA OD Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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