Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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Priti v stik

največja hidravlična stiskalnica

Since hydraulic presses are so large and powerful, these machines perform a vital role in the industry of manufacturing. It uses the power of hydraulic pressure to generate large compressive forces and are very useful for shaping or pressing a material into desired shapes. Hydraulic presses have very much changed the complete face of contemporary industry over recent years, altering how items are manufactured.

The biggest hydraulic press in the world is still larger, and it resides at the Technical Institute of Material Forming (GIF). And with a mass of 25,000 tonnes(!), this gargantuan machine is proof that hydraulic press design has come a long way and designers have managed to create more powerful and efficient devices as time goes by. Given a maximum pressure of 100,000 tonnes this press is vital to infinite sheet fabrication functions and effortlessly shapes the hardest material.

Speed and Efficiency: The Power of the Press

This hydraulic press is unique in how quickly and efficiently it places a load on the compressible fabric. It does this by pushing metal parts in through compressing them to very high speeds of more than 16000 tonnes per second, which is beneficial for two reasons, it makes part making fast and productive. The press isn't only limited to metals and can also be used with ceramic, wood and plastics bringing another dimension when embarking on making intricate products.

Why choose Nadun biggest hydraulic press?

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Priti v stik

IT PODPORA OD Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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