Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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hydraulic metal press

A Хидраулична преса од 60 тони is one of the most robust machines used to transform metal into more forms. And this is a truly important machine and so used in numerous places where metal is used very widely, for example due to the automobile, plane and buildings factories. AdvertisementThe hydraulic metal press works by using a specific fluid for pressureproduction. This pressure is what helps to push, bend and form the metal into whatever shapes are required.

The Hydraulic Metal Press

A Хидраулична преса од 100 тони consists of two main components that work in tandem, the hydraulic pump and the hydraulic cylinder. A hydraulic pump pushes a high-pressure fluid into a cylinder when a person pushes a button or pulls a lever. Inside the cylinder, this generates pressure, resulting in force. This is what applies pressure to the metal piece that puts it into the desired shape. It is similar to squeezing a sponge: When you squeeze, the sponge deforms.’

Why choose Nadun hydraulic metal press?

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