Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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A 60 tona hidrauličke preše is a highly specialized tool that allows a person to cut metal pieces with utmost precision and accuracy. There are two cutting blades attached to make the work easy for you. The bottom blade remains fixed in place and is non movable. The bottom blade slices up towards the metal and the top blade comes down. This makes it work for cutting metal plates whether it be thick or thin and whether it can be in a large size or small. This is the reason plate shear is helpful in numerous metal forming applications.

Maximizing Efficiency with a Plate Shearing Machine

A Preša od 60 tona provides support to get the work done faster. Before this incredible machine was created, workers would use hand tools to cut the metal, which took forever and burned plenty of energy. Working with hand tools was a slow process and this also left workers exhausted. However, in the present day, cutting the metal is a much simpler and quicker task with the plate shearing machine. Why — because it saves workers time and energy. When workers can complete their tasks faster, they can start new projects sooner. This allows them to be more productive and achieve more sucees in a day.

Why choose Nadun plate shearing machine?

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IT PODRŠKA OD Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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