Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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Hidroliese persmasjien vir die vorming van diep tekeninge

Tyd: 2025-02-28

Nadun Hydraulic Press Supplier specializes in the production and development of custom hydraulic deep drawing presses of all sizes and configuration levels.


All systems are precisely customized to the customer's specific needs. Our dieptrekperse are hydraulically driven with hydraulic tensioning pads on the top and bottom and can be flexibly configured with PLC or servo control systems. Pressure ranges from 100 to thousands of tons are available, and matching dies can be supplied.


VOLGENDE: Wat is 'n vierkolom hidrouliese pers, en wat is die voordele en nadele daarvan?

DIT ONDERSTEUN DEUR Nadun Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

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